
File View Designer

You can change the information shown in the Folder Pane columns, by modifying an existing File View or creating a new one, using the File View Designer. It is reached from the button in the Folder Pane Toolbar and selecting Edit File Views.

File Views designs are stored in .json files in the folder <Settings location>\Resources\FileDesigns. The File View currently being edited is shown in the "Edited view" field at the top of the window:

Most of the File View Designer is self-explanatory, and the easiest way of learning how to use it is to create a custom file view using the "Save as" button at the bottom of the window and experiment with it. You can see the effects of changes you make by clicking near the top of the window and viewing the changes in the Edited view pane. Specific points:

String Format Column

This is for advanced use only. If it is left blank, all values in the column are taken from One Commander's Settings. It allows the user to go into great depth with customizing formats. Examples that can be used include different date and time formats (see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/standard-date-and-time-format-strings), for example the time in a specific UTC zone or showing milliseconds, months written in words in the user's language, numbers formatted with commas, and so on.

Removal Order

When you make a Browser narrower, this setting determines the order in which columns disappear from the display. You can think of it as the reluctance of a particular column to disappear, where the higher the number the more reluctant the column is to vanish. So in the example above, if you shrink a Browser horizontally, Time is the first column to disappear and Name is the last. You can verify the Removal Order settings by clicking and then moving the resizing handle in the Edited view pane to left and right.

Buttons across the bottom of the window

Load: Loads a File View Design file (they all end in ".json") from the folder <Settings location>\Resources\FileDesigns.
Save: Saves current File View Design file (i.e. the File View Design shown in the Edited view line at the top of the File View Designer window).
Save as: Saves current File View Design file under a new name.
Apply to current folder-pane and close (without saving): Applies the new File View to the current folder pane temporarily; the next time this folder is viewed, the File View will revert to the saved version.

2. Quick introductory guide:5. Basic folder and file operations
3. Full reference guide:File Views
3. Full reference guide:Folder Pane